Before filling out this form, you should familiarize yourself with the list of items that SBA does not fund (i.e. Speakers, Delivery/Tips, Engravements for Awards, Hotels, T-Shirts, and Travel), the SBA Constitution, which govern organization activities and funding, and Albany Law School’s Student Handbook.


EVENT #1 – (Use N/A for fields not applicable)

EVENT #2 (Use N/A if not applicable)

EVENT #3 – (Use N/A if not applicable)

EVENT #4 (Use N/A if not applicable)

EVENT #5 (Use N/A if not applicable)


If more than 5 events, submit this form and then re-submit an additional form.

ITEM #1 (Use N/A if not applicable)

ITEM #2 (Use N/A if not applicable)

ITEM #3 (Use N/A if not applicable)

If more than 3 items, submit this form and then re-submit an additional form.


NOTICE: This question shall be applied holistically in conjunction with all other provided information, details, and other student organizations and their allocation requests. The Requesting Entity’s decision between (A) and (B) will be considered during any subsequent reconsiderations for allocation following the Budget Meeting.

NOTICE: The following questions are non-mandatory, and may be answered at your discretion. For any questions not applicable, or if you’ve provided answers previously, please mark as N/A.

NOTICE: Providing a response to the following question will not supersede the Requesting Entity’s response on “(A)/(B)” question. Rather, it provides further context to the SBA regarding “marquee” events, or events of unique or particular importance to the Requesting Entity, if such events are applicable. If multiple events, please share as well, at your discretion.