Please click on a candidate’s name below to read their personal statement.

Executive President

Max Sevor

My fellow classmates,

My name is Max Sevor, and I am running to be your Executive President of the Student Bar Association. I believe that my problem-solving capabilities, collaboration skills, and work ethic will deliver tailored solutions for our student body. If you elect me as your President, I promise to do all that I can to make our law school a more affordable, inclusive, and meaningful educational experience for all.

Let’s make our school more affordable. I come from a working-class family with many siblings in a small town in Western New York. While in high school and college, I held many jobs to afford the opportunity to pursue higher education and achieve my dream of attending law school. I understand how increases in tuition, cost-of-living, fees, and other incidental expenses strain the average student. If elected as your Executive President, I plan to work with the Senate and the school’s administration to develop policies and programs to ease the financial burdens of attending law school. Specifically, some ideas I hope to bring include lowering the costs of incidental expenses like books through donation drives, removing burdensome restrictions on conditional scholarships, and increasing grants and scholarship opportunities.

Let’s make our school more inclusive. It is no secret that law school continues to pose a barrier to many communities that have been historically excluded. My life has always been guided by the maxim that regardless of one’s background or identity, we are all deserving of dignity. We should all be given a fair and equal opportunity to pursue a meaningful, authentic, and purpose-driven life. That mission directly translates to our experience in law school. While collecting feedback from you on what our school and SBA can improve on, some ideas I have for fostering inclusion are promoting use of pronouns in introductions between faculty, staff, and students and connecting with diverse student groups from local colleges to address questions relating to attending law school and create mentoring relationships. I hope to partner with the DEI office and student organizations to ameliorate disparities, address unconscious biases, and advance student excellence.

Let’s fill our school with more meaningful educational experiences. Whether we learn best by lecture, hypotheticals, or practice, we should be assured that there is ample opportunity to work on our legal and professional skills day one. As your Executive President, I hope to partner with student groups, the law journals, moot court board, and school offices to create more opportunities for events that cater to your needs. I plan to organize events where student organizations may combine efforts and partner together. Additionally, the Capital Region is in definite need of pro bono and volunteer services. As law students, we are uniquely poised to address this gap, build on our professional experiences, and make our community a better place!

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy. I look forward to discussing this position further with you at the meet-the-candidates forum. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding your ideas on improving the law school experience!

Max A. Sevor

Executive Vice President

Meg Tylenda

Dear Albany Law School Community,

For those I have not had the pleasure of interacting with, my name is Meg Tylenda, and I am a member of the Class of 2024. I have been a Class Senator for the past two years, representing the Class of 2024 as a 1L Senator and again this year as a 2L Senator. Last year I worked diligently to help plan the End of the Year BBQ for the entire Law School Community, and as a member of the Events Committee, I achieved my campaign goal of bringing a grilled cheese event to campus during finals period.

This year I have helped to plan Barrister’s Ball and am a member of the Ethics Committee. I have also held a Student Representative seat on the Advisory Committee on Campus Safety since October 2021 where I have been advocating for enhanced safety measures on campus—such as improved lighting on the path to Lot 11 and additional blue-light systems along the walk to Lot 11 and UH College Suites. Outside of law school, I am a lifeguard instructor at the YMCA and a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts, through which I volunteer regularly.

This year I am running for Executive Vice President and Executive Treasurer. I feel that I have amassed an intricate understanding of how the Student Bar Association Senate works over the past two years and am grateful for the experiences it has brought me; it has been a pleasure to represent my class, but I want to represent the Student Body in a larger capacity. In either of the positions, I have very general goals: (1) ensure that all students feel heard and that all organizations feel they are receiving equal funding opportunities; (2) foster community; and (3) increase transparency between the Senate and the Student Body. The Senate represents all students, whether they participate in every student organization or no organizations, and I want to ensure that all voices are heard. I want to make sure that each and every student feels that they belong here and that there are events that appeal to them.

After all, all events are funded by our Student Activity Fee which all students pay. I want to ensure that students who are elected to positions in the Senate are held accountable for how they opt to vote; if we cannot defend our stance to you as our constituents, it is unfair to have that stance, and you deserve to know the full extent of your representation by the individuals you elect.

I hope to engage with as many students and student organizations as I can within the next year. I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to represent your voice in the coming school year. If you have any questions about my goals for the coming year or simply about me as a person, I will gladly speak with you – my contact information is below. Thank you for your consideration and for your time.

Meg Tylenda

Contact Information:
Cell: (518) 810-9506
Social Media: @megtylenda

Noah Jacobs

Hello, my name is Noah Jacobs, and I am running for Executive Vice President of the
Student Bar Association. I am excited by this opportunity and hope you consider me for the position.

As a student at Albany Law School, I have always been passionate about getting involved
and making a positive impact on my school’s community. Throughout my time here, I have participated in various extracurricular activities and have held the leadership position of 1L SBA representative.

As a senator, I have worked to improve the school, the student experience, and helped plan social events such as Snow Ball. Additionally, I have worked on the ethics committee and academic affairs committee. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and problem-solving skills.

If elected Executive Vice President of the SBA, I will bring these skills and experiences
to the table and work tirelessly to represent the interests of our student body. I am committed to ensuring that every student has a voice and that their concerns are heard by the administration.

I am also committed to ensuring every student’s money, spent on student affairs is equally distributed back to the students. Along with students having easy access to any service this school may provide.

I believe that my ability to listen, collaborate, and take action on behalf of my peers
makes me the best candidate for the position of Executive Vice President. I am dedicated to making our school a better place for all students and will work diligently to achieve this goal.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to earn your vote.

Instagram: noahsjacobs

Executive Treasurer

Megan Tylenda

Dear Albany Law School Community,

For those I have not had the pleasure of interacting with, my name is Meg Tylenda, and I am a member of the Class of 2024. I have been a Class Senator for the past two years, representing the Class of 2024 as a 1L Senator and again this year as a 2L Senator. Last year I worked diligently to help plan the End of the Year BBQ for the entire Law School Community, and as a member of the Events Committee, I achieved my campaign goal of bringing a grilled cheese event to campus during finals period.

This year I have helped to plan Barrister’s Ball and am a member of the Ethics Committee. I have also held a Student Representative seat on the Advisory Committee on Campus Safety since October 2021 where I have been advocating for enhanced safety measures on campus—such as improved lighting on the path to Lot 11 and additional blue-light systems along the walk to Lot 11 and UH College Suites. Outside of law school, I am a lifeguard instructor at the YMCA and a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts, through which I volunteer regularly.

This year I am running for Executive Vice President and Executive Treasurer. I feel that I have amassed an intricate understanding of how the Student Bar Association Senate works over the past two years and am grateful for the experiences it has brought me; it has been a pleasure to represent my class, but I want to represent the Student Body in a larger capacity. In either of the positions, I have very general goals: (1) ensure that all students feel heard and that all organizations feel they are receiving equal funding opportunities; (2) foster community; and (3) increase transparency between the Senate and the Student Body. The Senate represents all students, whether they participate in every student organization or no organizations, and I want to ensure that all voices are heard. I want to make sure that each and every student feels that they belong here and that there are events that appeal to them. After all, all events are funded by our Student Activity Fee which all students pay.

I want to ensure that students who are elected to positions in the Senate are held accountable for how they opt to vote; if we cannot defend our stance to you as our constituents, it is unfair to have that stance, and you deserve to know the full extent of your representation by the individuals you elect.

I hope to engage with as many students and student organizations as I can within the next year. I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to represent your voice in the coming school year. If you have any questions about my goals for the coming year or simply about me as a person, I will gladly speak with you – my contact information is below. Thank you for your consideration and for your time.

Meg Tylenda

Contact Information:
Cell: (518) 810-9506
Social Media: @megtylenda

Jonathan Stein

Over the past year, it’s been a distinct pleasure of mine to act as one of your 1L representatives in SBA. Now, I am seeking your vote to be your SBA Executive Treasurer.

A core aspect of SBA is the proper management and disbursement of the funds SBA receives which are available to the student clubs and organizations. Your Executive treasurer is also responsible for keeping a clear and up to date financial record. I believe that whoever is elected to this position must be organized, considerate and above all, transparent.

In various roles over my academic and professional career, record keeping has been an instrumental task. During internships in my undergraduate career while working at record labels, artists agencies and music venues; maintaining schedules, artist performance reports and ticketing revenue balance sheets were necessary for the proper execution of these businesses’ respective affairs. As a music teacher, keeping clear and detailed records was essential for tracking accurate student progress, and communicating information to fellow instructors. Of course, now as a law student, the necessity for accurate record keeping is paramount.

As your Executive Treasurer, it is my mission to ensure as a baseline, that SBA’s financial records are transparent, but above all, that equity is at the center of how those funds are disbursed. I would use my voice to ensure that there is balance, so that both established student organizations, as well as new clubs, felt respectively seen, and that their needs were met; so that all our diverse clubs and organizations are empowered to achieve their interests. I want to support the mission of keeping our community on track when considering the financial planning of the academic year. It’s incredible how a simple thing such as clear and understandable records can provide insight into making the most of our resources.

I hope to represent your interests as your Executive Treasurer and support students in making the most of their resources, energy and time. I am energized by the opportunity to further support student affairs in this position and thank you for your consideration!

Executive Secretary

Ashlyn Henrichs

Hey y’all! ☺

I hope all is well and I am so excited to be running for SBA again!!

As a current 1L Senator, I have gained valuable experience in the inner workings of the Student Bar Association (SBA). As a 2L, I would like to further serve the community here by being executive secretary and creating an efficient and friendly environment. I hope to put my “go-getter” personality and compassionate nature to work by communicating effectively and keeping the association well-organized!

I love being able to contribute to the growth and community here, so I will make sure to compile and export the minutes of each meeting in a timely and transparent manner. I plan to do this so that the bridge between the admin and students is at its most effective function and communication is constant, friendly, and effective. Additionally, I plan on being available to meet with any member of the student body if there are any questions regarding the meetings and minutes that have been shared. I hope that you will give me the honor of allowing me to put my energy into the Executive Secretary Position.

I will do my absolute best to be available and transparent with everyone. I will be living at UH Suites again, so running to campus at any time to meet is not a problem for me as well! We all know law school is crazy, but I want to make time to ensure that each and every one of my peers feels like they can talk to me about anything (SBA related or not). Additionally, please keep me in mind for the position of 2L senator as I feel like these skills can shine there as well!

Kind Regards,
Ashlyn Henrichs

ABA Representative

Mitchell Spaulding

My name is Mitchell Spaulding, and I am running for American Bar Association (ABA) Representative and 3L Class Senator. Since I have started here at Albany Law, I have taken advantage of the many opportunities to get involved in student life the school. Over the last year, I served as Chief Justice of Phi Alpha Delta, one of the largest organizations on campus, where I worked to bring back events that were sidelined by the pandemic, including Trick or Treat Street, which gave neighborhood kids a safe place to get candy on Halloween. This position gave me important leadership experience that helped prepare me to serve as your representative.

My experience as a member of both the SBA Ethics Committee and the SBA Bylaws Committee have given me an appreciation of what SBA does, and made me want to get more involved in the process. As a member of the Ethics Committee, I worked to ensure that the elections of new SBA members were conducted fairly and ethically, and deal with any ethical issues that arise throughout the year. As a member of the Bylaws Committee, I worked to amend the bylaws and propose changes to the SBA constitution. These positions allowed me to become familiar with the inner workings of the SBA and its importance in ensuring that student voices are represented. If elected to SBA, I would work to ensure that the SBA works to meet the needs of all students and that your concerns are addressed to both the senate and the administration. I will also work to ensure that student organizations all get a fair opportunity to host their events on campus.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your consideration!!

Mitchell Spaulding

NYSBA Representative

Mitch Whittaker

My name is Mitch Whittaker, and I am running for the position of New York State Bar Association Representative. The NYSBA Representative is responsible for serving as the liaison to the State Bar Association and distributing necessary information or resources to the Student Bar Association and the greater law school community. If elected, I will serve ethically, diligently, and with the upmost accountability; I will always put the needs of the student government and student body first.

I believe the responsibilities associated with this position are incredibly important, since many students, including myself, intend to practice somewhere in New York after law school. To that end, networking with attorneys in our state is critical for law students in terms of eliciting job opportunities for summer positions, field placements, semesters-in-practice, and ultimately, post-graduate employment. As your NYSBA representative, I will make it my number one priority to provide the school community with opportunities to attend invaluable networking events and gain access to important information about becoming a member of the New York State Bar.

In both college and law school, I have served in leadership roles and learned the importance of being accountable to an organization larger than myself. During my undergraduate years at SUNY Cortland, I served as president of the men’s Club Volleyball team. Currently, I am the president of the Albany Law Hockey Club. In both these experiences, I have learned that leadership is entirely about how you can serve others or help an organization achieve its goals, and not at all about gaining personal notoriety. Should I earn your vote for NYSBA representative, I fully intend to prioritize the needs of the student body and dedicate myself to fostering an impactful connection between Albany Law School and the New York State Bar Association.

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy, and I hope I get the opportunity to serve the school as your NYSBA representative.

Maxwell Kissack

Dear Fellow Albany Law School Students,

My name is Max Kissack and I am a first year student seeking to represent Albany Law School as your New York State Bar Association Representative. I have been a member of the New York State Bar Association since March 2020. I hold an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from UAlbany, where I also minored in history.

At UAlbany, I became involved with the Department of Student Engagement. I worked my way up through the Department, holding positions such as World of Laws and Justice Student Representative, World of Laws and Justice Academic Ambassador, and then finally Community Advisor to multiple Worlds. In my various capacities, I served as a liaison between the students in the Worlds and the Department of Student Engagement, as well as between extracurricular and non-academic organizations. Often, I’d organize events myself; I increased involvement in events around campus, coordinated with organizations for events, and directly kept the Department updated on these events and the bigger purpose behind all of them.

Also while at UAlbany, I served the people of New York’s 142nd Assembly District as a Legislative Intern with the Office of the Honorable Assemblyman Patrick Burke. As an Intern, I frequently attended meetings with constituents and lobbyists from across the State. At these meetings, I was tasked with representing Assemblyman Burke and the people of the 142nd District to whomever was in attendance. Moreover, I’d often have to brief Assemblyman Burke and our team on these meetings, again serving as a liaison.

Here at Albany Law School, I’ve had the honor of being elected as the Incoming Chief Justice for Phi Alpha Delta where again, I will serve in a liaison capacity between the student body, Phi Alpha Delta members, and the greater Albany Law community.

As your NYSBA Representative, I’d be sure to put my extensive experience as a liaison to use: I’d stay up to date with NYSBA events across the State and provide students with opportunities to make meaningful connections with members of the NYSBA; I would keep the student body updated on NYSBA events/opportunities, and in turn, represent our interests to the NYSBA, so we can have diverse opportunities that interest our entire community while better preparing us to become licensed members of the NYSBA in the near future.

The NYSBA is an excellent resource for prospective attorneys. I’m confident that my experience in liaison and communication roles will allow me to represent the student body to the best of my abilities. As your Representative, I’d ensure you are kept in the NYSBA event loop with networking opportunities, social opportunities with current NYSBA members, and any other event the NYSBA may host. Not only would I keep our community in the loop, but I would also seek to ensure the NYSBA hears your voices and ideas in a meaningful way.

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy for the NYSBA Representative. If you have any further questions regarding my candidacy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via my student email, or via my phone number, 1-845-505-5882.

Max Kissack

ACBA Representative

Colin Baker

Dear Albany Law School Community:

As a lifelong member of the Albany community and a current law student, I am excited to apply for the position of Albany County Bar Association Representative for the Student Bar Association.

I am confident that I can use my personal and professional connections to make meaningful contributions to this organization. Upon entering law school, I became a member of the Albany County Bar Association because of my commitment to enhancing local legal practice. One of my goals as the ACBA representative would be to enhance internship and employment opportunities for law students in the Albany area.

I believe that networking and professional development are critical components of a successful legal career. I am committed to working with the ACBA to create opportunities for students to gain real-world experience and to connect with local employers.

In addition to internship and employment opportunities, I am also passionate about developing alumni networking and mentoring programs for law students. I understand the importance of having mentors and role models in the legal profession, and I believe that the ACBA can play a crucial role in connecting students with alumni who can provide guidance and support as they navigate their legal careers. As an Albany native, I am deeply invested in the success of the local legal community. I am committed to working collaboratively with the ACBA and other stakeholders to promote diversity and inclusivity in the legal profession, and to create a supportive and welcoming environment for all members of the community.

I believe I am uniquely prepared for this role as a Master of Public Administration graduate. As a part of my MPA program I gained leadership skills particularly suited to community-based organizations and public service, where critical, ethical, and creative problem-solving and innovation are vital.

I welcome the opportunity to be considered for the role of Albany County Bar Association Representative for the Student Bar Association. I am confident that I can make meaningful contributions to the ACBA and Albany Law School through hard work and my commitment to public service and collaboration with colleagues. I recognize and support the ACBA’s mission to “promote professional collegiality among the bench and the bar” and its important role in fostering efforts in the area of public service and access to justice for all. Its programming and services directed towards enhancing professional skills are vital for our legal community and new lawyers. Thank you for consideration of my candidacy.

Colin P. Baker ‘25

Cooper Humpf

Hello, My Fellow Albany Law Students!

My name is Cooper Humpf and I am running for Albany County Bar Association Representative. As a first-generation law student, I have participated in many events to widen my perspective of what Albany Law truly stands for, before attempting to run for any student government positions. I am on the Alumni Committee for Phi Alpha Delta and I have been a subeditor on the Journal of Science and Technology, for which I am the next Executive Editor. I have done my best to come to know my peers here, through both academic and social events.

As the ACBA Representative, I hope to facilitate networking between students and local members of the association. Albany County offers wonderful opportunities, which we can take advantage of through strong networking. I hope to use my experiences with past similar events and improve upon them to provide the student body with genuine chances to meet professionals.

I have had many opportunities to organize events, with the most illustrative being my nine-year chair position in an annual event where I have organized and raised funds for children with autism and their families. The transferable skills I have learned from this experience, and other positions I have held, will aid me in being your ACBA Representative.

Furthermore, I have a bachelor’s degree in social work and psychology. This background has taught me the importance of having your voice at the table at all times. It has also taught me leadership and communication skills, and the importance of those skills in public policy.

I am excited for this opportunity, and I welcome any and all questions from the student body at the meet the candidate forum. Thank you all for your participation in the election.

Cooper Humpf

Brenda Gonzalez

My name is Brenda Gonzalez, and I am running to be SBA’s Albany County Bar Association Student Representative.

My goal as ACBA Representative will be to cultivate ties between the student body and the members of ACBA in order to connect Albany Law students with attorneys and judges.

I have been involved in various outreach work with Albany Law school that has allowed me to interact and collaborate with Executive Board members of ACBA, and I have continued Albany Law’s mission of fostering relationships with the outer legal community through my community involvement. As the ACBA Representative, I will fulfill my responsibility of providing resources and information from ACBA to the members of SBA and the general student body. In addition to that, it will also be my priority to create an inclusive environment within the SBA and ensure that the concerns and needs of all students are seen and heard.

Throughout my 2 years at ALS, I have successfully worked with outside legal organizations and legal practitioners to encourage their participation in student support and mentorship. Last year, I co-led a symposium, The Critical Race Theory Dialogue (CRT). The dialogue featured a panel of Black and Latinx attorneys, law professors, and judges who discussed the impact of their identity in the legal field through a critical race theory lens. We invited members of the Capital region to participate in the panel, as well as some Executive Board members of ACBA. This year, ALS will host the 2nd Annual CRT Dialogue, and we have extended the symposium to offer CLE credit to legal practitioners. I personally met with a few ACBA Executive Board members to invite them to collaborate with our event.

I also engaged with the Capital District Black and Hispanic Bar Association and private law firms such as Whiteman Osterman and Hannah, Nixon Peabody, and Barclay Damon to encourage their participation and sponsorship in our CLE event.

I am confident that my established connections and outreach with legal professionals in the greater Capital Region will enhance the networking opportunities and relationship for students and SBA.

My ability to successfully work with Albany Law School’s administrative offices has also provided access and resources for students. In my undertakings to plan student initiatives, I have cultivated connections with Albany Law’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Institutional Advancement, the Alumni Association, the Student Body Association, the Admissions Office, as well as the Deans of our school.

Lastly, as your Albany County Bar Association Student Representative, I will remain dedicated to the work of professional development and inclusion, and work hard to uplift the voices of the student body of ALS. I am also a member of Phi Alpha Delta, the New York Historical Society, and Research Assistant for Professor Mendez.

I strongly believe that my skills and qualities will enrich the experience of SBA members and create a sense of belonging.

Thank you,
Brenda Gonzalez

Diversity Representative

Nicole Tang

My name is Nicole and I am running for the diversity senator position. I am currently a 1L student and am involved on campus as a member of Phi Alpha Delta. As an Asian American woman, I believe diversity is extremely important. I have had many problematic experiences with diversity and inclusion and want to help educate others and help to make everyone feel included. Diversity and inclusion are important concepts and I believe in helping to educate others to help them learn more about experiences their peers may face. I believe everyone should feel included and not ostracized whether it be in an institution or in an organization in an institution.

I was on the executive board as the first diversity chair of my sorority at UAlbany last semester for the past year. Through this position, I have a recent look at holding a very important role and working with others to create programs about diversity. I also have been diversity chair for UAlbany’s College Panhellenic Society and lower diversity chair positions for my sorority before it was made an executive board position.

Through these positions, I have experience working with a university’s diversity department and my peers to create programs to increase knowledge of inclusivity and diversity for students. In the past, I have also run diversity forums where my peers have shared personal stories about their experiences which helps to bring light on the issues we face as a society and help to educate others on a topic of inclusion that they may not have known about before.

I have spoken with the current diversity senator Tara Halterman who told me more about how her position works and things she has accomplished in this position. I will also make sure to work with the diversity committee to reach out to the proper faculty members to make sure changes are made. I understand the large time commitment to make sure the environment at this school reflects the diversity of its students.

Azad Kurd

My Fellow Colleagues,

My name is Azad Kurd and I am a Kurdish-Canadian-American candidate running to be your Diversity Representative for the Student Bar Association (SBA). I was born in Istanbul, Turkey, moved to Toronto, Canada with my family when I was 12 years old largely due to the oppression against the Kurdish population in Turkey. I first came to Albany in 2013, with the desire to study away from home so that I would be able to experience life on my own and here I am at Albany Law as a first generation 1L student.

Until I moved to Canada I did not know that I was Kurdish. Imagine not knowing the truth about your customs and traditions simply because your existence is a threat to the government that “governs” you. It turns out that I was assimilated into being Turkish, because if I knew my true identity while in Turkey and practice my Kurdish culture, there would be severe consequences.

Little did I know that I would again be discriminated against here in Albany, this time due to the color of my skin. I wanted to be a pilot at one point in my life, took a flight lesson in Schenectady, got stopped by the state police who forwarded my information to the FBI, who then told me, “to be honest with you, if you are a brown guy here, we have to do our due diligence to make sure you are not a terrorist.”

I am motivated to implement change and advocate for a diverse space by sharing my personal experiences. As your diversity representative on the SBA, I will ensure that our law school is on the right track with regard to the inclusion of all individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Diversity does not only mean that a person is from a different country, culture, or religion. Diversity also entails people who face certain barriers, because they are “different”. Most of us do not have the luxury of ignoring those barriers, we find ways to deal with them. As your diversity representative on SBA, I will assist and prioritize the needs of my peers who might feel unwelcomed, excluded, or struggle with integrating into the Albany Law community. As most things are in life, the work of diversity and inclusion is a work in progress and it is a progress which to the best of my ability I will contribute to.

The one page requirement for this personal statement is not long enough for me to relay all my experiences. However, if I do get to be your diversity representative I would be happy to have chats about all of our different experiences.

This is our space, our law school, our village. We are more than capable of making it a welcoming space for all.